Team Rider: Eldred Hawke

AKA Eldred 'the aggressor' Hawke, has to be the keenest bodyboarder i know, this guy absolutely rips. We first hooked up with Eldred in 2008 when one afternoon we was watching him surfing at the local Portreath wedge. We knew this guy could ride so we got him sorted on some new boards and his riding just went crazy. How he pulls off some of the tricks he does is baffling.
Now over 40 he shows no signs of slowing down, he just seems to keep getting better! Often found at the better bodyboarding spots around the Cornish coast, he will always be dominating, pulling big back flips, extended inverts, air reverses, the works.
IA future British champ maybe??? sadly not. Contests are just not Eldred's thing. It's all about free surfing. He mixes it up in all conditions, big or small.
By the way, He's not aggressive! just hungry for any wave going. If he shows at your local beach, sit back, watch and learn from this inspirational rider.